Napa Valley College Beta Beta Sigma Chapter Constitution

Constitution of BETA BETA SIGMA Chapter

ARTICLE 1. Name of Chapter

The name of this chapter of Phi Theta Kappa shall be BETA BETA SIGMA . (Assigned by Headquarters upon approval of chartering application.)

ARTICLE 2. Purpose

The purpose of BETA BETA SIGMA chapter of Phi Theta Kappa

at NAPA VALLEY College shall be the promotion of scholarship, the development of leadership and service and the cultivation of fellowship among qualified students of this college.

ARTICLE 3. Membership

Section 1. Membership BETA BETA SIGMA chapter shall consist of member, provisional member, alumni member, and honorary member.

A. Member. Each candidate for membership must have completed 12 semester hours of associate degree coursework at Napa Valley College, with a Grade Point Average of 3.5 , adhere to the school conduct code and possess recognized qualities of citizenship. Only course work within the last five years is considered.

B. Provisional Member. A provisional member of Phi Theta Kappa is a student, who, in the opinion of the local chapter, has shown an active interest in the affairs of the Society and who serves the Society in some special capacity, but who does not meet the full requirements for membership in the Society. In order to qualify for provisional membership status, a student must be enrolled in associate degree coursework at the two year college, adhere to school conduct code and possess recognized qualities of citizenship. Provisional members will not be officially affiliated with the Phi Theta Kappa Society, cannot hold office and cannot vote on chapter, regional or international matters. Provisional members are not required to pay the international and regional induction fee until they have qualified for full membership.

C. Alumni Member. Alumni members shall be members of the Society who are no longer enrolled in the two-year college and who have terminated their active membership in good standing, with a minimum of one year's enrollment at the two-year college. Alumni members shall be entitled to all privileges of full members except the right to vote or to hold office.

D. Honorary Member. Honorary membership may be granted in this chapter to men and women who have rendered distinguished service to the Society. Honorary members may not vote or hold office nor must they be officially inducted or pay membership fees.

ARTICLE 4. Chapter Advisor

Section 1. The chapter advisor shall be appointed by the administration of Napa Valley College.

Section 2. The chapter advisor shall be responsible for the guidance of chapter activities and shall act on behalf of the international society and official college administration.

Section 3. The chapter advisor is responsible for the completion and submission of the Annual Report, Membership Report Forms and Membership Profile Forms required by the Phi Theta Kappa Society Headquarters.

Section 4. The advisor shall not be a voting member of the chapter.

ARTICLE 5. Officers

Section 1. All officers must be members of Phi Theta Kappa, in good standing, have a Grade Point Average of 3.25 and must be enrolled at Napa Valley College.

Section 2. The BETA BETA SIGMA chapter of Phi Theta Kappa shall have the following officers: President , Executive Vice President , Vice President of Service , Vice President of Finance , Vice President of Records , Vice President of Publications , Vice President of Special Events , Vice President of Scheduling and Membership , Vice President of Fundraising , Vice President of Computer Services , Vice President of Communications , Vice President of Outreach , Vice President of Fellowship , Director of Alumni Affairs , President Emerita(us).

Section 3. The duties of the President shall be as follows:

a. Preside over all business meetings; set agenda with at least one advisor.

b. Establish any necessary committees and appoint chairpersons.

c. Present business to the organization.

d. Represent the organization at all times.

e. Develop goals for the chapter with the help of the advisors and board.

f. Maintain a chronological list with descriptions of all chapter events.

g. Oversee the 5-Star Program with an advisor.

h. Assist with the writing of Regional and International Awards.

i. Provide liaison to other chapters, the Region, and International.

j. With the advisors and executive vice president, make executive decisions and announce them to the board.

k. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 4. The duties of the Executive Vice President shall be as follows:

a. Perform all duties of the president in the event of the president’s absence.

b. Direct implementation of the Honors Study Topic.

c. Coordinate all sister-chapter activities.

d. Manage the Ambassadors Program.

e. Assist with the writing of Regional and International Awards.

f. With an advisor, supervise the preparation and mailing of awards.

g. With the advisors and president, make executive decisions.

h. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 5. The duties of the VP of Leadership shall be as follows:

a. Direct the chapter in the use of parliamentary procedure for meetings

b. Oversee all leadership activities

c. Encourage the development of leadership skills

d. Coordinate the preparation of the Leadership Hallmark Award entry

e. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions

Section 6. The duties of the Vice President of Service shall be as follows:

a. Direct implementation of the International Service Project.

b. Recruit and coordinate workers for any service projects.

c. Coordinate other service projects.

d. Provide liaison to other groups for service-related projects.

e. Manage the Connections program.

f. Assist with the writing of the Regional and International Awards.

g. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 7. The duties of the Vice President of Finance shall be as follows:

a. Check the financial box in the advisor's office weekly.

b. Receive all monies and write all check requests.

c. Present a financial report at each business meeting.

d. Place all records in the official files of the chapter at the end of each academic year.

e. Maintain a petty cash system.

f. Handle all financial affairs through the NVC business office.

g. Manage all membership-related financial matters, including checking the chapter mailroom mailbox weekly.

h. Train a replacement to take over after the May Induction.

i. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 8. The duties of the Vice President of Records shall be as follows:

a. Take minutes of meetings.

b. Place all typed records in the official record book at the end of each academic year.

c. Prepare meeting agendas provided by the president.

d. Take roll at meetings and keep attendance records.

e. Handle all but membership-related correspondence.

f. Assist with the copying and preparation of Regional and International Awards.

g. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 9. The duties of the Vice President of Publications shall be as follows:

a. Write and publish a newsletter (at least once each semester).

b. Write and distribute press releases regarding members and activities in Napa Valley College and local papers.

c. Write articles for publication in newspapers and newsletters.

d. Forward activities information to the campus calendar.

e. Handle all chapter publicity.

f. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 10. The duties of the Vice President of Special Events shall be as follows:

a. Coordinate all special events, especially both the informal and formal induction ceremonies.

b. Handle arrangements for conventions and conferences.

c. Assist with any events hosted by our chapter.

d. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 11. The duties of the Vice President of Scheduling and Membership shall be as follows:

a. Create and distribute a chapter calendar.

b. Schedule all rooms and facilities.

c. Assist the president with the chronological list.

d. Assist the advisors with the membership process.

e. Coordinate the bulk mailing for membership.

f. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 12. The duties of the Vice President of Fundraising shall be as follows:

a. Organize and implement fund-raising activities, including recruiting and confirming people to work the scheduled events.

b. Turn all monies and records over to vice president of finance immediately on receipt.

c. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 13. The duties of the Vice President of Computer Services shall be as follows:

a. Develop and maintain a database of all current and past members.

b. Handle email communications with the membership, with regional, and with international.

c. Develop and maintain the chapter website through the college PR office.

d. Check email weekly and keep it current.

e. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 14. The duties of the Vice President of Communications shall be as follows:

a. Record, monitor and respond to calls to the chapter phone number.

b. Assist with recruiting people for all activities on request.

c. Make reminder phone calls on request.

d. Post notice of meetings and events.

e. Keep chapter bulletin board current.

f. Coordinate the enhanced membership program.

g. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 15. The duties of the Vice President of Outreach shall be as follows:

a. Provide coordinating link with campus and community organizations.

b. Develop community resources for donations and other support.

c. Assist all other board members with community-related needs.

d. Represent the honor society at Inter Club Council and report back to the board.

e. Check ASB mailbox weekly.

f. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 16. The duties of the Vice President of Fellowship shall be as follows:

a. Organize activities with other chapters.

b. Plan and implement fellowship activities to promote enthusiasm for Phi Theta Kappa.

c. Assist with chapter fellowship events.

d. Assist with writing of awards.

e. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 17. The duties of the Director of Alumni Affairs shall be as follows:

a. Distribute information about the Phi Theta Kappa alumni association and recruit alumni members.

b. Get information and assistance for Phi Theta Kappa transfer students through alumni networking.

c. Ensure continuity for the Phi Theta Kappa chapter.

d. Maintain a scholarship file.

e. Assist chapter as a resource for all projects and programs. Has all the rights of any other elected officer, but need not be enrolled in the college.

f. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 18. The duties of the VP of Historical Records shall be as follows:

a. Record chronological timeline of planned and implemented activities.

b. Collect activity summaries of goals and impact.

c. Collect and store photos, memorabilia and personal narratives from events in preparation for the end of the year essays.

d. Train incoming replacement in all duties by the time of formal inductions.

Section 19. The duties of the President Emerita(us) shall be as follows:

a. Serve at the pleasure of the current president to ease the transition and provide a resource to the board and the advisors.

b. This most recent and available past-president need not be enrolled in the college and does not make motions or vote.

ARTICLE 6. Election of officers

Section 1. All candidates for office must be members of Phi Theta Kappa, in good standing.

Section 2. Elections must be held at a general meeting in April during the spring semester of each year.

Section 3. Officers shall hold office from the spring induction to the next spring induction.

Section 4. Members will nominate themselves for office.

Section 5. Elections will be ''rolling"; that is, a candidate may self-nominate for president, give a brief speech, and then be voted on. After a president has been elected, all members may self-nominate for executive vice president and so on through the election of all officers.

Section 6. Plurality of the votes cast will determine the new officer.

Section 7. In any case when an officer must resign his or her office, an election shall be held to elect a new officer. The president shall have the power to make a temporary appointment until an election can be held at a general meeting.

ARTICLE 7. Impeachment and Accountability of officers

Section 1. If any officer fails to fulfill the duties of his or her office, he may be removed as follows:

a. A special meeting of the board must be held to discuss the problem.

b. A vote of 3/4 of the board or general membership is sufficient to remove an officer from office.

c. Officers will be bound to the “Beta Beta Sigma Contract” as written and appended to this document.

Section 2. Officers will sign the following contracts concerning duties and conference expenses. Failure to make restitution may result in removal from the board.

Phi Theta Kappa Reimbursement Agreement

Because I agree to attend an event for which the chapter is paying the fees, I agree to reimburse

the chapter (cost) to cover the losses incurred by my absence at

(event) unless I find an acceptable replacement

to fill my reservation or give notification in time for a refund.

Attendee Signature Date

Advisor/Officer Signature Date

ARTICLE 8. Meetings

Section 1. All business meetings will follow the general agenda:

Order of Business

I. Call to order

II. Approval of the Minutes

III. Approval of the Agenda

IV. President's Announcements

V. Advisors' Reports

VI. Honors Study Topic

VII. Service Projects

VIII. Officers' Reports as Needed

IX. Adjournment

Section 2. A quorum of one member over 50% of the board members must be present before any official meeting can be called to order.

Section 3. All meetings shall be governed by an adaptation of Robert's Rules of Order.

Section 4. Special committee meetings shall be called by the chairman of said committee. Procedures at such meetings are left to the discretion of the chairman. Reports of each meeting shall be given at the next board or general meeting.

Section 5. The Executive Board consists of the president, the executive vice president, and the two advisors. For decisions that need to be expedited, any three of these may vote through an executive decision, which the president will report at the next board or general meeting.

ARTICLE 9. Finances

Section 1. Finances for this chapter will be raised by projects voted on by a majority vote of the board members.

Section 2. Payment of the International Membership fee of $45.00 must be received by the chapter treasurer before members can be inducted.

Section 3. All members must pay one-time local dues of $10.00 in the semester they are inducted.

Section 4. All members must pay regional dues of $10.00 prior to induction. Regional dues shall be remitted directly to the regional coordinator.

Section 5. Napa Valley College financial and budget center procedures will be followed.

Section 6. Financial records of the chapter shall be held and audited by the Napa Valley College Business Office.

ARTICLE 10. By-laws

Section 1. By-laws shall be passed by a simple majority vote of the board membership and shall cover pertinent topics including interpretation of the constitution.

Section 2. A permanent record of all by-laws shall be kept on file by the vice president of records.

ARTICLE 11. Amendments and revision

Section 1. The constitution and by-laws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any regular meeting, provided that the proposed amendment has been presented at a previous meeting. Any changes to the constitution and or by-laws must be sent to Headquarters for final approval.